“A person’s character is their fate.” -Heraclites
What do you do without having to think about it? That is, what sort of behaviors, responses, habits, thoughts, or words flow naturally in and through your life without you having to consciously consider them? The way we answer that question leads us straight down into a foundational part of our humanity: our character. It’s the thing we don’t have to decide about because it’s already formed within us. It’s the identity that ignites the rest of who we are and how we live. Character is, as the Greek philosopher Heraclites once put it, our fate: the person we ultimately become, through the joys and griefs of our lives, always begins and ends with the forging of our inner beings. The scriptures, and Jesus Himself, have always articulated this to us, writing of a God who “looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7) who writes the goodness of His law onto the hearts of His people (Jeremiah 31:33), and who proclaimed the message that one must become “born again” (John 3:3) and “transformed by the renewing of their minds” (Romans 12:1-3). In a world where it seems brokenness, evil, injustice, and pride rule, the scriptures remind us that the way forward is not more productive people, or more politically powerful people, but more deep people, shaped by the way and work of God. And we find one of the principal case studies for this truth in the book of 1 Samuel in our bibles, where we are presented with rich and complex characters from the story of Israel that are meant to create pause and reflection in our own lives on how we can become people of character today. Join us this Fall as we explore eleven central components to a life of character with God revealed to us through the vibrant stories of Hannah, Samuel, Saul, Jonathan, and David, and how these components can make us transformed people in a world desperately longing for leaders and people of character.
September 10, 2023 | 1 Samuel 1:9-28
Listen as Gabby explores the gratefulness of Hannah, and how her grief informs her gratitude.
September 17, 2023 | 1 Samuel 3
Listen as Pastor Clint shares how we can learn from Samuel who is attuned to hear God’s voice and responds by living into his calling.
September 24, 2023 | 1 Samuel 8
Listen as Pastor Clint uses Samuel and the Israelites to teach us how our need to be ruled by the right thing is crucial to our lives as Christians.
October 1, 2023 | 1 Samuel 13:2-14
Listen as Pastor Clint shares from this story about Saul and his unwillingness to wait, and how we can learn from this.
October 8, 2023 | 1 Samuel 17:32-50
Watch as Pastor Clint shares from 1 Samuel 17:32-50 - how the story of David and Goliath is not what we may believe it to be, and how we can learn to be people of courage from it.
October 15, 2023 | 1 Samuel 18:1-6
Listen as Pastor Clint shares how the envy of Saul is a characteristic for us to resist, while Jonathan’s character is one to exude.
November 5, 2023 | Tom Parker
Listen as Tom Parker preaches on 1 Samuel 25, exploring how the story teaches us about the centrality of listening to wise counsel.
November 12, 2023 | Gayle Parker
Listen as Gayle Parker preaches on 1 Samuel 30, unveiling a perspective of divine justice that may not align with our own and how we are invited to live a life of giving and prioritizing the kingdom of God, as opposed to accumulation.
November 19, 2023 | 1 Samuel 31; 2 Samuel 1
Watch as Pastor Clint explores an often-mentioned and little understood aspect of the Christian life: honor.