Welcome to Midtown Presbyterian Church
We're a pretty normal group of folks - singles, families, couples, kids, adults. Every one of us has our own story, and we want you to know that you and your story are always welcome. Whether you've found yourself in churches your whole life, whether you've been hurt by a church in the past, or whether you have never set foot inside of a church, we want you to know: you are welcome here. You are welcome to learn and grow. You are welcome to observe. You are welcome to ask questions. You are welcome to process. You are welcome to rest. You are welcome to bring your kids, your neighbors, your coworkers, your friends. You are welcome to be a part of this community.
what to expect
Communal Singing
Reading & learning from the bible
A safe place for kids & adults
Opportunities to connect
We believe that humans are creators, and that one of the best ways for them to express their spiritual experiences is through singing and playing music together. We have a combination of common modern songs, classical hymns, and even original works from artists within our community.
We believe that God speaks and teaches us through the diverse and powerful library of texts we call the bible, and that from the bible we can learn what it means to be fully human. While we do emphasize the importance of explaining the bible through teachings each week, we also emphasize dialogue about the parts that are confusing and hard for us. We do this through monthly Q&As after services, skeptic-focused bible studies, and community groups
We believe that, through Jesus, God has invited us into a close relationship. This relationship involves learning to pray, which simply means speaking and listening to God about the things happening in our lives and in the world around us. We set aside time every week to pray together to a God who hears us and loves us. Sometimes these prayers are full of gratitude, sometimes they are full of pain and sorrow, and sometimes they are barely words at all. The most important thing about prayer is not the content, but the orientation: we emphasize the importance of turning our hearts and our minds towards God, because we believe God loves us.
Kidtown is a safe and caring environment for children of every age. Our morning services consist of storytelling and crafts, focused on the bible. It is also a safe place for adults - if you are spiritually wandering or physically/emotionally in need, Midtown is a place where you can come to be safe, heard, and loved.
We believe humans are designed for community with one another: sharing meals, experiences, hopes, and fears in authentic and loving environments. So every week we emphasize, both on Sunday mornings and throughout the week, opportunities to get to know each other better. You will have an opportunity to get to know others, make friends, and develop relationships.
Sundays at 9:30am
Inside Hope Women’s Center
1640 E McDowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85006
skeptics welcome
We believe that healthy questions are essential to living healthy lives.
That's why we welcome difficult inquiries in our community, and why we create numerous methods of engagement for the hardest questions in life and faith.