Serve at Midtown
Welcome/Connect Team
Our Welcome/Connect team exists to bring together those in our body with the gifts of hospitality and encouragement in order to create and maintain clear and helpful paths for getting newcomers to the church connected into the community groups, events, service, etc. Members of this team have these sorts of spiritual gifts, likely amidst many others, and the Welcome/Connect team is a way to use these God-given gifts for the sake of others in their own spiritual journeys
Kids Ministry Team
Our Kids Ministry team exists to care for, teach, and love the children of Midtown in ways that exemplify the compassion and care of Christ, and to build up our children in a knowledge of God’s love for them. Members of the Kids Ministry team will have the gifts of teaching and shepherding, using these to edify and serve our kids in a profound and life-shaping way.
Worship Team
The Worship team exists to coordinate, delegate, prepare, and lead our congregation in worship each Sunday morning, along with executing other worship events in the life of the church. Members of this team will have the gift of shepherding through leading others into an awareness and experience of God’s presence and the gift of service through the selfless giving of time and energy towards preparation and worship leading.
Prayer Team
The Prayer team exists to create a culture of regular prayer and communion with God at Midtown, focusing our body on turning to God in the midst of our joys and difficulties. Members of this team will have the gifts of faith, encouragement, and intercession, working together to ensure that our church is always prioritizing a prayerful posture in our work.
Set Up/ Tear Down Team
The Setup team exists to create a worshipful space each week for our church body, make our presence known in the neighborhood on a Sunday morning, and ensure our space is left clean as a gift to those who use it beyond Sunday mornings. Members of this team will have the gifts of helping and giving, desiring to love our community and neighborhood not for notoriety, but from a genuine compassion in emulation of Christ
A/V Team
The A/V team exists to ensure all Sunday morning sound and slide information runs smoothly, and that our congregants are able to remain focused on seeking God throughout each service. Committed to excellence, and with gifts of craftsmanship and helping, members of this team are an essential part of the church’s life, working in conjunction with our worship and setup team in order to provide a worshipful space devoted to God.
Service/Outreach Team
Our Events/Outreach team exists to connect our church to the immediate neighborhood and the broader city of Phoenix, helping for the bettering of lives for the people therein. They will work together to schedule, plan, and lead community building and events for Midtown. These opportunities will serve as evangelistic tools (inviting neighbors and unbelievers) and advocacy work. Members of the Service/Outreach team are inherently empathetic, regularly filling their lives with time and energy devoted to serving others; they have the spiritual gifts of mercy, service, and evangelism, making them ideal candidates to lead our church body in the essential work of loving our immediate neighbors.