We live in a world that feels defined by darkness. The hopelessness of seemingly unending war abroad and division at home; the peacelessness of anxiety and despair in a nation facing down a mental health crisis; the joylessness of a lonely, numbed, and isolated culture; the lovelessness in our dismissive discourse and behavior towards one another. Darkness dominates our domain. But what if there was news of the death of darkness? What if there was a Light that defiantly defeated the dark? What would the news of that light spark in each of us?
Join us on Sundays this Advent season as we look forward to the radical news of Christ’s arrival in the world through the words of the prophet Isaiah, writing to people in his own time and speaking the news that God ultimately defies even the deepest of darkness. It is this defiance of God, refusing to allow darkness to define us, that prompts us to become defiant people in our own time - people who defiantly hope in the midst of hopelessness, seek and find peace in the midst of peacelessness, experience joy in the midst of joylessness, and practice love in the midst of lovelessness. Make this Advent and Christmas a defiant one as you reflect upon the work of Christ in and through our world.
November 26, 2023 | Isaiah 7:1-16
Listen as Pastor Clint begins the Advent season by exploring how we can navigate life's disappointments through the lens of the biblical figures, Ahaz, Isaiah, Mary, and Joseph.
December 3, 2023 | Isaiah 9
Listen as Rev. Luke Parker explores Isaiah 9 and the promise of peace in the midst of a peaceless world, and what this teaches us in our own time of seeming peacelessness.
Listen here
Isaiah 35
Isaiah 61