
learning the language of prayer


If most of us are being honest, we likely consider prayer to be a weak point in our spiritual lives. We find it hard to make time to pray; we find it unproductive in a world obsessed with hurry and productivity; we feel guilty for not praying often enough, and yet when we finally set aside the time to do so, we find ourselves distracted or confused, not sure how to proceed. Rather than serving as a life-giving connection to a redemptive, loving, and restorative God in the midst of a broken world, prayer becomes a chore or a bore or a guilt-riddled religious game. We often find ourselves, as Jesus’ earliest disciples did, wondering how we can begin to pray. Join us as Midtown as we wade into the challenging waters of prayer, exploring the way that the Psalms teach us authentic, genuine prayer, and how their model can provide us structures for how we begin to relate to and know God more fully in our own lives today.


  • July 2, 2023 | Psalm 20

    Pastor Clint introduces many of the hurdles we face when we enter into prayer, and then explores Psalm 20 and the practice of intercessory prayer.

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  • July 9, 2023 | Psalm 95

    All people--religious or otherwise--adore something above all else. Our adorations shape, and often distort, who we are. Listen as Pastor Clint explores this idea, and teaches how Psalm 95 teaches us how to adore the right thing in the right ways.

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  • July 16, 2023 | Psalm 103

    We live in a culture of discontent: all around us we are constantly being told that we need more or better in order to live peaceful and satisfied lives, and the result is often anxiety, worry, and fear. What can we do to experience peace-filled lives in such a world? Listen as Pastor Clint explores Psalm 103 and its solution to discontent: gratitude.

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  • July 23, 2023 | Psalm 32

    Listen as Pastor Clint explores the conception of confession and how it leads us to profound freedom and joy in our spiritual lives.

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  • July 30, 2023 | Psalm 62

    Listen as Gabby Gustafson explores the practice of contemplative prayer and the power it carries in an often over-noisy world.

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  • August 6, 2023 | Psalm 137

    Listen as Pastor Clint explores the topic of lament, specifically looking at the way in which injustice and mistreatment spark anger in us, and how we healthily learn to deal with those feelings by being honest about them, praying through them, and limiting them.

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  • August 13, 2023 | Psalm 73

    Listen as Pastor Clint explores an inevitable experience in our spiritual journeys, but one we often don't give enough space to explore: it's the experience of doubt. Psalm 73 teaches us not only what this experience looks like, but how we can healthily navigate through it - doubting words to God become God's words to doubting people.

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